After beers last night, I thought it would be better to take a cab home, so I locked up the Dummy and went home. This morning I went to retrieve it and it is missing. Last seen in the area around 34th and the Parkway. If you see it, please leave a message here.
My heart is breaking...
Dude.....I feel your pain. I've had bikes stolen before and it totally sucks.
Oh no, that's a total drag! I will keep an eye peeled for it. You should list any distinguishing characteristics.
I love that bike!
Oh. No.
I can't believe this. I feel really bad about this, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I was keeping an eye out all day today and won't stop. Hopefully it will turn up.
Damn, that blows. Puttin' the word out for you, eyes peeled. Make sure you post on craigslist too, that got a bike back to me once.
Thanks for the wishes all. I've put the word out on Craig's List and MplsBikeLove. Filed a police report and Jim was kind enough to print up a duplicate receipt.
I can't see how someone can think that they won't get noticed on that bike. It's not a bike to ride if you want to keep a low profile
sorry to hear it, man... that sucks...
My heart goes out for you and all that, but yikes, what were you thinking? Locking your bike overnight around there is almost like giving it away. I'm hoping one of your buddies grabbed it in order to teach you a lesson. I hope you get that sweet ride back.
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