Friday, February 26, 2010

Dangerous times

These are the times that try Midwesterner's souls. Oh, sure, the air temperature is 30F (-1C) degrees, but what temp was it when you got on your bike this morning? 4F (-15C)? Did you really believe the weather guy (or Weather Guy) when you got up and saw the long term forecast?

I know how it is; you see the sun when you ride in the morning and it's still up when you go home at night. The terrible divots in the street (at least in the Twin Cities) have melted with the "spring." Temps are in the 30's (single digits below zero for those with a sane temperature measurement) and you think that Spring is on its way.

Listen up and remember you're a Minnesotan, buddy. Ain't freakin' happening, okay? Don't fall for it! Keep your head boy! There's the whole month of March ahead, capiche? A little sunlight, a little thawing and you lose your head? Keep your sh*t together! It ain't over yet, not by a damn sight.

I see the glare ice on my way to work. I have a new bike I'm dying to ride, but guess what, it doesn't have studded tires and the roads aren't ready. Sure they look good on the way home, but when the temp is 4F (-15C) when you're on your way in and the streets are a deadly frosting, those studs will keep you alive! This ain't a drill, son. Spring isn't just around the corner.

A little sunlight, a clear path, doesn't a Spring make. You've gotta stay frosty. Don't be like the tourists in their cars that fall for this shit. Their spirits bob up at the first sign of daylight, but they forget about the March snowstorms. It ain't over yet!

Old Man Winter's back may be broken, but the bastard has a couple of tricks up his sleeve. Don't fall for this shit, keep it together boy! April, that's when we can start to breathe easy -- and not even then. We're Minnesotans and doubting weather is one of our greatest strengths -- don't give that up. Stay cool and you'll make it past this false warmth.

Things will loosen up around July, if not before...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Deep snow or not plowing

I worked at the liquor store last night and the 1.5 mile ride took 25 minutes. Deep snow is not my friend...