Wednesday, October 22, 2008


If Obama is the antichrist, wouldn't you welcome his arrival as the beginning of the End of Days? Isn't the Rapture just around the corner?

What are y'all afraid of? Isn't it time to be raptured up?

Can I have your stuff when you are?


Snakebite said...

"Raptured up" sound kind of like I'm being violated but in a good, kinky way.

Smudgemo said...

If I don't believe, does that mean I can stay?

rigtenzin said...

Good point. Sometimes they seem to welcome the rapture and other times, they want to avoid it. Remember when people thought Reagan was the anti-christo? It had something to do with the number of letters in his name.

brother yam said...

"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die..."

shannon said...

They want their 401ks to turn around before they get all raptured up...

Bujiatang said...

they flip flop according to their absolution. Right now Calvin would have nasty things to say.

Beast1624 said...

But...I thought George Bush was the anti-christ...

brother yam said...

So many anti-christs, so few apocalypses...